NEFFA Essays

Welcome to the NEFFA Essay Collection: an evergreen selection of essays with historical and current interest. Submissions welcome.

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Contra (Contre) Dance? Square Dance? Folk Dance? Barn Dance? Country Dance?

Dudley Laufman – December 1997 Fifty or sixty years ago in rural central New Hampshire a Saturday night dance would have foxtrots, waltzes, polkas, Paul Jones, Grand March and Circle (Portland Fancy)… (Continue Reading »)

Dancing From A Former Organizer’s Perspective

Nancy Mamlin – December 1997 I know. I have said a lot — perhaps too much — on this topic. But I have a lot to say. I feel like the former… (Continue Reading »)

Dancing On College Campuses

Notes from a NEFFA 2002 discussion led by Jenny Beer and Joanna Reiner Why start a dance group on a college campus? Dancing is social, athletic, non-competitive, and participatory–not many other activities… (Continue Reading »)

Minutes Of Two Discussion Sessions At The 1998 NEFFA Festival

Prepared by Larry Jennings, Moderator Retrospect: I shared with the attenders a bit of how much these sessions have meant to me, especially since my declining health was increasingly limiting my participation,… (Continue Reading »)

Secrets Of A Successful Series

Minutes of discussion session at the 1997 NEFFA Festival prepared by Larry Jennings, Moderator NOTE: “Larry” is me at the Festival; “I” am myself as I sit at my desk. Larry suggested… (Continue Reading »)

Set Management

Larry Jennings This is one of a group of essays which examine various actions and attitudes which may influence the future of the New England contradancing I love so well. I unabashedly… (Continue Reading »)

The “Get Through It Syndrome” Or The Case For A Second Walk-Thru

Larry Jennings I briefly review some reasons why a caller should strive to make do with a single walk-thru. I then offer some reasons why a second walk-thru may be desirable. I… (Continue Reading »)

The Bahn Dance

Dudley Laufman – August 1998 If a modern urban contra dance were held in a barn, would it be called a barn dance? I doubt it. If a modern western square dance… (Continue Reading »)

The Perils Of Prosperity: Why Some Dances Are Having Low Attendance

Dudley Laufman – December 2000 In the 40’s and 50’s in rural New Hampshire there were regular weekly Friday and Saturday night dances* in Marlboro, Walpole, Richmond, Keene, Swanzey, Hancock, Bradford, Orford,… (Continue Reading »)

The Story Of One Successful Series

Larry Jennings At the 1997 New England Folk Festival (NEFF) I led a discussion session on the secrets of a successful contra series. I presumed to be qualified to do this based… (Continue Reading »)

Why I Don’t Teach Chorus Jig At Public Dances

Dudley Laufman – December 1997 The following article was written to mollify some dancers who sometimes travel to “contra” dances, and bug me to do Chorus Jig at our dances, somehow not… (Continue Reading »)


Almost All You Need To Know To Enjoy A New England Style Dance

by Larry Jennings, 1998 December, 1994: About 1975, when the dance scene was far different from today, I wanted to encourage dancers to aspire to dancing according to my vision of zesty, urban… (Continue Reading »)

Best Of Both? Some Of Each?

Cynthia Van Ness, M.L.S. – April 1999 Originally published on rec.folk-dancing. Reproduced by permission. I don’t need to name names. We travel great distances to festivals featuring these hot callers, and we… (Continue Reading »)

Five Common Myths About Beginning Contra Dancers

by Greg McKenzie It is a tradition in contra dancing that newcomers learn at regular dances, not in separate lessons. Experienced dancers know that dancing with beginners is an integral part of… (Continue Reading »)

The Balance

Dudley Laufman – December 1997 Articles have been written on the Dreaded Ladies Chain (Re: injured wrists), What Makes a Good Dancer, and, The Look, Ralph Sweet’s great piece. Now it is… (Continue Reading »)

The Proprieties Of The Partner Game

A set of policies for a hypothetical series reflecting the views of Larry Jennings. Larry Jennings – Nov, 1997 General We will ordinarily not intervene in partnering activities. However, if push comes… (Continue Reading »)

Your Introduction To Contra Dancing

A Syllabus for a Half Hour Pre-dance Session by Larry Jennings To Reader: This syllabus was prepared for my use at the Austin TX third Friday contra of Sept 15, 1995. It… (Continue Reading »)


NEFFA History

This is the text of “The History of the New England Folk Festival 1944-1994” published by NEFFA during for its 50th Anniversary Festival. It was edited by Tony Parkes, and was based… (Continue Reading »)

The Bahn Dance

Dudley Laufman – August 1998 If a modern urban contra dance were held in a barn, would it be called a barn dance? I doubt it. If a modern western square dance… (Continue Reading »)

The Balance

Dudley Laufman – December 1997 Articles have been written on the Dreaded Ladies Chain (Re: injured wrists), What Makes a Good Dancer, and, The Look, Ralph Sweet’s great piece. Now it is… (Continue Reading »)

Important Personalities

A Thank-You To The Zesty Boston Dancers And Minutes Of The Larry Jennings Fan Club Meeting, 17 July, 1997

Prepared by Larry himself The meeting took the form of a multi-caller dance in the regular West Cambridge VFW series arranged by the Thursday Night Dance Committee of NEFFA. Most of the… (Continue Reading »)

Ted’s Funeral

The fiddle and guitar music started playing in the back of the church shortly after 1 o’clock. The assembled family and guests were in the pews waiting for the service to begin…. (Continue Reading »)

More Essays Off-Site

Essays About Dance by Henry and Jacqui